Abstract submission

Abstract submission details

The deadline for submission of abstracts is October 20, 2020. When preparing the abstract, please, follow the rules described in the Abstract submission page
Please, note that those participants who wants to publish their abstracts in “Cell Death Discovery” journal (IF=4,3 Q2; indexed in WoS Core Collection) will have to pay the publication fee of 150 euro (13 500 rubles). The authors of abstracts selected for publication in CDDiscovery will additionally be notified by the Committee.

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be submitted electronically after completing the Registration form. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Accepted abstracts will appear in the Conference Abstracts Book. Selected abstracts will be published in Cell Death &Discovery journal (Nature Publishing Group, cited in WoS/Scopus).

Abstract preparation guidelines

The abstract should not exceed one A4 page. Standard Microsoft Office 12 pt fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri) should be used for abstract preparation. Abstracts must contain a self-explanatory title and at least one author name with affiliations. If the list of authors contains more than one name, please indicate the corresponding author with an underlined font and an asterisk. A corresponding author’s e-mail address should be indicated after affiliations. The participants are strongly recommended to use the same e-mail address during registration and abstract submission (in the text of abstract). The title, authors’ names, e-mail address of the corresponding author and the main text should be separated from each other with a one line space. The authors should avoid tables and figures in their abstracts. The authors are strongly encouraged to create the abstract in accordance with the following order: objective, materials and methods, results and conclusions. Several references of the literature cited are accepted.

How to submit abstracts?

To submit abstracts you should be registered via ONLINE registration system on the Conference website. If you have already registered on the website, please, go to the Personal Account, using your login and password provided during registration.
Fill in the “Abstracts Title”, “Author and co-authors’ details” , “affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country”, “e-mail”
Abstracts body must contain: Text

After proceeding steps, please, click “SUBMIT ABSTRACTS” button.

The deadline for abstracts submission is October 20, 2020.